
The Grotto

Among the various cP1140326haracteristics which prove the Catholic Church to be the one, true Church of Christ (the fours marks of the Church — one, holy, catholic, apostolic), there is also a particular characteristic which is manifestly based on Holy Scripture and which is unique to Catholicism — the honour and devotion of the Catholic Church to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. There is not a single month in the year without several feasts in her honour. Consider the months of August and September, for example, in which there are seven feasts on the ecclesiastical calendar dedicated to her.

In modern times, many people purchase artificial grottos for ornamental and devotional purposes when it comes to placing sP1140454tatues of saints, particularly the Blessed Virgin, in outdoor gardens. The well-known apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous took place in a grotto, which is visited by many Catholics. Numerous garden shrines are modeled after these apparitions, and can commonly be found displayed in gardens and Churches, among other places.

St Michael’s Church has a very beautiful Grotto in the Church Garden situated by the USK.

Watch the Full Hd Video below for the blessing of the Grotto last 27/9/2015

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